Textbook Of Female Urology And Urogynecology Second Edition

12.890,0016.113,00 (-20%)

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ISBN: 9781841843582
Yazar: Linda Cardozo, David Staskin
Sayfa Sayısı: 1383 / 2 Cilt
Baskı Yılı:2006

SKU: 9781841843582 Kategori:

Our decision to produce a second edition of this textbook, a formidable undertaking, is due to the many rapid advances which have occurred in urogynecology/ female urology. The first edition was well received by readers and we had an overwhelmingly favorable response from the contributors to update and where necessary re-write their chapters. In addition, a number of new authors have taken on the task of creating new chapters relating to topics which had not previously been covered and enhancing many areas covered in the previous edition. We are truly grateful to all those whose hard work has resulted in this finished product, of which we can all be very proud.
Our vision was, once again, to assemble an in ternational group of experts as authors, but on this occasion we have been able to recruit the invaluable help of section editors who have guided the authors and prevented too much “overlap” from occurring in the various chapters of the book. Because our authors repre­sent both gynecologists and urologists, as well as some non-medical clinicians, with a true international perspective, we have been able to avoid the polarization of ideas which occurs in many textbooks as a natura! product of geography and the training and interests of the contributors. So a mııchisiınas gracias – grazie infinite – clanhe selır- ınerci beaııcoııjJ to our section editors, the authors from the first edition and the new authors who have brought fresh ideas and new areas of interest to this textbook.
As previously our rnission was to produce a comprehensive textbook which would chronicle past contributions, document the present state of the art, and serve as a foundation, preparing the reader for future developrnents in the field. The text is arranged in sections enabling the reader to access areas of interest with an extensive bibliography intended to facilitate further study of this fascinating and rapidly changing subject.
The section on surgery has been forrnatted to serve as both evidence based text and an atlas which should provide inforrnation pertaining to the decision making process as well as the technical aspects of the surgical procedures. We do however recognize that as this text goes to press, it is irnpossible to cover all aspects of fernale urology and urogynecology comprehensively and that the rapid pace of advances makes it difficult to be completely up to date. We will to try to amend any deficiencies in our 3rd edition!
As editors we are truly grateful to all those authors who have contributed. Researching and writing demands a considerable amount of time and effort and is often a thankless task. We are really grateful to the individuals who sacrificed much of their “quality time and family life” outside of their required hours of clinical and scientific work, to make this project a reality. Once again we would like to thank the publishers for producing a well illustrated book of high quality which should enhance the rninds, practices and book shelves of those who own it. Finally, we recognize the contribution from our patients who place their trust in all of us, and without whom this work would be futile. We hope that the textbook contributes to their quality of care and to the abilil:)’ of those who care for them today and in the future.
Linda Cardoza
David Staskin

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